Call goes out for Explorers - and new volunteers to help

The pandemic has put a stop to many things, but the age of exploration and adventure isn't dead.
That's the message being put out by Godalming District Scout Commissioner Alex Harvey.
This is an exciting time for Explorers in Godalming, with the launch of a new unit to bring friendship, adventure and life skills to 14 to 18 year olds.
Alex told Nub News the drive is a 'real push to make the unit and its opportunities available to as many young people as possible'.
The Godalming unit is called Aquila: a name chosen by the young people themselves, and named after a constellation. Which is appropriate for an organisation which encourage its youngsters to 'reach for the stars' while equipping them with the skills to do so.
The group is also looking for adult volunteers to help the unit run smoothly and, says Alex, help the movement to fulfill its ambition of having several units operating across the area.
"This is our first one, and our first stage of growth," he said.
Scouting was suspended in line with the national lockdown in March, but now, as Scouts are classed as a youth service, it is able to run activities, and the group is keen to run as many as it safely can.
"We're in the process of rebooting," Alex says. "We have 10 existing members, and 10 more have expressed an interest. We're hoping it will be in the hundreds, and this is the start."
The group's HQ is at the Scout hut in Charterhouse Road, but they are by no means confined to the building. The whole idea of Explorers is to get out and enjoy activities and community events.
Alex reels off a list: kayaking, climbing, rafting, hiking, camping, shooting.
"We don't usually need a building for the activities we do," he points out.
"It's a really exciting programme, and one of the most exciting things is that the young people get to choose what they do themselves, and a lot of the time they get to run the activities themselves, with the support of leaders."
As well as all the active outdoor stuff, Explorers also hold games nights, quizzes and challenges, and get involved in community events such as the Remembrance and St George's Day parades (although both were cancelled this year due to Covid), the Christmas Festival and other occasions. "We try to get to town events and get out in the community as much as possible," Alex adds.
"We are also starting to offer the Duke of Edinburgh's Award."
The young people choose and shape their own programme of events: "They have a habit of coming up with really creative ideas of things they would like to do," Alex says.
The group meets once a week, on a Thursday evening, and extra activities are scheduled during school holidays, including hiking and camping expeditions.
As with all Scout leaders, Alex is passionate about the value that Scouting can bring to young people's lives.
"The amount that everyone's life has been disrupted is huge, and that is felt especially by young people," he says. "A sense of community and consistency is so important, and we can offer that."
As part of the relaunch, leaders are required too: no experience required. "There really isn't a criteria," says Alex.
"Volunteering at Scouts is for everybody and you don't have to know anything about being outdoors or the other things you might need to learn about being a Scout leader. None of that applies at all. You don't have to be [Chief Scout] Bear Grylls. "Training and monitoring, and everything you need to get started and feel comfortable, is provided, and there is so much support available: you would never be on your own. You would be part of a great team. "The only pre-requisite that you will need is to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. "We talk about the practical skills that young people get, employability skills and the values that it sets you up with for later life, and skills like empathy. I really do believe that leaders get to earn a similar set of skills, and get to practise that as well." If you're ready to join the adventure, click here if you're interested in becoming a leader, and here if you would like to join as an Explorer. You can email the group here.
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