The latest planning applications for Godalming
The following planning applications affecting Godalming have been submitted to Waverley. The list covers the period up until 8th February.
Copies of planning applications are available for inspection on
the council's website or at the council offices in The Burys. It's advisable to make an appointment before going to look at planning applications to ensure the documents are available. NMA/2021/0016Amendment to WA/2018/1239 to amend the
wording of Condition 43.Land between New Way and Aarons Hill, Godalming.
General Permitted Development Order 2015,Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A - Prior Notification Application for three new dwellings on detached blocks of flats.
1 - 12 Netherwood Court, Filmer Grove, Godalming. TM/2021/0027Application for works to a tree subject of Tree Preservation Order 09/03
Whipley, Tuesley Lane, Godalming.WA/2020/2123
Ward: Erection of two buildings and alterations to existing Listed Building to provide 53 assisted living units (Use Class C2) with associated communal facilities, landscaping, amenity space and parking following demolition of existing warehouse building.Mole Country Stores, Brighton Road, Godalming.
Listed Building consent for alterations to Listed Building to provide two assisted living units (Use Class C2) as part of a wider scheme providing a total of 53 assisted living units.Mole Country Stores, Brighton Road, Godalming.
Application under Regulation 3 for the temporary use of land as a site compound for a period of up to five years including erection of hoarding, access arrangements, parking and siting of temporary buildings.Site Office, Regeneration Area, Ockford Ridge, Godalming.
Applicant: Waverley Borough Council WA/2021/0105Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for loft conversion with roof line alterations.
42 Furze Lane, Farncombe. WA/2021/0106Erection of two dwellings with new vehicular access and associated works.
Land at Old Schoolhouse, Church Lane, Hambledon. WA/2021/0110Erection of a stone statue and associated works.
Brook Lodge, Haslemere Road, Witley.WA/2021/0113
Erection of a detached garage following demolitionof existing garage.
Land co-ordinates 494410 142401 Old Elstead Road, Milford. WA/2021/0116Erection of detached dwelling and associated works including restoration works to water wheel.
Site of Flour Mill, The Street, Hascombe. WA/2021/0117Erection of extension.
6 Rowan Drive, Godalming WA/2021/0118Erection of extensions.
98 Combe Road, Farncombe WA/2021/0120Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for formation of habitable rooms in roof space with rear dormers and gable build up.
14 George Road, Farncombe.WA/2021/0122
Application under Regulation 3 for approval of reserved matters (landscaping and appearance) following the outline approval of WA/2018/1853 forthe erection of 30 affordable dwellings and associated works following demolition of 18 existing dwellings.Site C, Regeneration Area, Ockford Ridge, Godalming.
Erection of extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to form two dwellings and associated works following demolition of existing garage and conservatory.1 Hoe Lane, Hascombe.
Erection of single storey extension.Brooklyn, Gasden Lane, Witley.
Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for erection of outbuilding for incidental use under class E of the GPDO 2015 (as amended).Highwood, Munstead Park, Godalming.
Erection of extension and alterations following the demolition of outbuildings.3 Peperharow Road, Godalming.
Alterations to roofline with dormer and gable build-up to form habitable accommodation.14 George Road, Farncombe.
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